Friday, May 8, 2009

Josie Updates - It's about time :)

Well, on the last posting I was so proud of myself for updating the blog and now it has been two months again. Oh well, I will try to do better but no promises. It is now month 10 - boy does time fly when you have no idea what you are doing. Josie is crawling now. She started that about 3 weeks ago. We think we liked it better when she couldn't get around. I am sure the cats and Ernie liked it better also. Siam remains a good sport even though she man handles him. She is also working on teeth numbers 9 and 10. No words yet but a lot of "talking". We are working on it so sooner or later we will have something. It is time to move the mattress in the crib down because she can now stand up in the crib. A favorite past time is throwing things out of the crib when she wakes up in the morning or after a nap. She still is waking up in the middle of the night - most often at 3:00 am - and crying. Usually she can be calmed down but not always. I have tried the letting her cry thing and I am here to tell you she does not do what the books say she should. She would cry all night if we let her. Not to mention I can't help thinking that we are doing some psychological damage by not responding to her. I don't want her going to a councelor later in life and having flash backs to being ignored in the middle of the night. All you other mothers are probably thinking all kinds of things you should share with me - go ahead but I will still be going in to her in the middle of the night. Small house and guilt keep me doing it.
Anyway, she has begun eating more "grown up" food. She loves strawberries, bagels, pancakes, sausage, chicken, potatoes, and eggs.
I am working on getting some pictures loaded on here but techinical difficulties are holding that up. In the meantime here are some video clips to keep you up to date. Enjoy!

Here is Josie practicing her growling at dinner with Jay. You gotta love the sweet potatoes on her face.

If we could only teach Siam to feed her and change her diaper we could leave him to keep her occupied and we wouldn't need a babysitter.