Sunday, October 14, 2012

To Do List

Josies was diligently working on something this morning.  When I asked her what she said, "I am writing my list of things to do today." Oh what music to my ears.  Another good habit taught young. :)
The list says: breakfast, lunch, BOSU, church, nap, supper, play


I decided that I would buy a BOSU so I could excercise more effectively at home - well basically excercise at home at all- and Josie is completely in to using it.  She wanted to practice each of the excercises on the box. She even put it on her to do list of things to do in the day.  Teaching good habits young. :)

The Blue Chair

When I was pregnant Jay and I went looking for a chair for Josie's room and I fell in love with a big blue chair that had a soft fabric and big puffy back.  It reclined and rocked and it was fabulous.  I spent many nights asleep in that chair with her, as did Jay, but he never really liked the chair.  I LOVED it! Anyway, I finally came to grips with the fact that the chair needed to go - we don't really use it and we needed the space in her room.  Both Josie and I feel good about the fact that the chair went to a friend's sister.  When the chair was on the front porch Josie wanted to sit in it until they came to pick it up. 

Whoopie Pies

 Josie and I finally made the whoopie pies that Granpa OD and Granma Tup brought back from their trip to Maine.  They were sooo yummy.