Sunday, July 24, 2011

What's New Josie Kat?

Since it has been so long all the posts should have the title - Finally Updates and Pictures. Anyway, as you can see the picture at the top has changed. Dad said that the other one was from 2 years ago - so dad here you are. The picture shows Josie ready to go to her birthday surprise - Disneyland. It was 7:00 am and all she knew was that she was going to get a birthday surprise and have a princess birthday.

With Cinderella at lunch. She also got pictures with Ariel, Mulan, Snow White, and Aura. She was most interested in showing them her birthday button.

What's new:

Birthday: we took her to Disneyland - thanks for the free tickets Gretchen!!! Jay was down in So. Cal. for work so Josie and I used free Southwest tickets and went down to join him. We made it through the park in the day - a lot left to see the next time. She loved the Buzz Lightyear ride and the Circus Train from Dumbo. We took her to Ariel's Grotto for lunch - that sure is a money maker. Anyway, she got to see Ariel and then four of the princesses visited with her during lunch. She was so excited! All in all it was a great day and we got back to the hotel about 10:55.
Weird Habit: She is certainly a grandchild of Grampa OD. She talks to EVERYONE! She will be in the gym locker room and start talking to people about her swimming lessons or her dog. She will tell people anywhere, in line someplace, in the elevator, at the checkout, that it is her birthday, that she is 3 years old, that she is going to the market, etc. If people don't respond she will say, "That man/lady is not talking to me and that is not nice." I have to let her know that sometimes people don't hear her or are busy and can't answer her but she is often upset with them. Some people will then talk to her but others will just try to get away as fast as possible.

Potty Training: Basically I think she has better things to do. Once I said that mom remarked she might be like her Uncle Kurt and be too busy playing to stop and go to the bathroom. She must have heard me because when I say it is time to go potty she will sometimes say, "No, I am too busy." She is doing better since she moved up to the Intermediate room at school and Ms. Rosemary and Ms. Erika make them go. She is afraid of making the toilet dirty so... We are just letting it happen and if it becomes a problem we will get hardcore - yes I mean try to bribe her. We are not sure a bribe will work at this point because she is not really yearning for anything so badly she is willing to use the toilet.

Funny Sayings: She is aware that boys and girls use the toilet differently and she is apt to tell me when she is using the toilet that, "Boys hold their butts to go tinkle." She is also fond of saying, "Are you kidding me?" "Backoff Ernie." ."I need to go to the market" (the one up the street) and "I need to hold somebody!" Many of her sentences begin with "So..."

The Movie Car: She has finally decided that the movie car is both mine and hers and we can share it. She decided this after she saw that the old "mommy's car" (the station wagon) was at the neighbor's house (they bought it from us). She has also stopped asking to watch movies everytime we get in the car. That was been replaced by the request for "mommy music". That was usually the Reba McIntire CD I had in the car - well now "mommy music" won't do and the request is for "the lady music" this means that we listen to the Reba CD over and over and over and over. I like Reba but really it is getting crazy. She now hums to the tune of some of the songs and gets very excited when she knows the tune. I have tried other CDs but she is stuck on Reba - I think Billy Joel is making his way up the list but not fast enough. (don't judge my music)

School: As I said she is back after a few weeks home with me and she is in a new class. She is so happy to see her friends that moved up ahead of her and loves the teachers. She is learning a lot and is happy they have water days on Tuesday and Friday.

Other tidbits: She can spell her name and "writes" it on paper. She likes to spell it on the fridge with magnets. She also spells mom and dad. She puts an e at the end and says it spells mommy/daddy. She had swim lessons in June and will have more in August. She does well kicking and scooping with her hands. She is not interestd in floating.

Activities: She stills reads all the time. She pretends to read to her friends. She also plays school. Her favorite thing to do is play kitchen with all her plates, bowls, and cups. She makes food, has birthday parties and dinner parties. She also loves Six Flags Discovery Kingdom. We went a few times and she loves the elephant show, the dolphin show, the whale show, the lions, and the tigers. She has a dolphin pillow pet that I bought her after she said she needed a dolphin for her dolphin shows. She has named him Crispy and she pretends to have dolphin shows in her room and out in her little pool. The pool is at the end of her new playstructure and she loves to swim and slide into the pool.

Okay that is plenty for now. Enjoy the pictures.Enjoying her "strawberry drink" - the non-alcoholic variety.
Playdate with her friend Maura.
Helping dad.

Sleeping on Ernie's bed.

1 comment:

Joie and Kurt Hauschild said... it! Shes too cute, and i love the picture at the top. Im glad she had a BLAST at Disney World!!!