Saturday, January 28, 2012

A Nightgown!

Josie loves flannel pajamas - she says they are cuddly wuddly- so she was very excited to get some from Grandpa John and Grandma Sherry for Christmas. Better yet they had Minnie Mouse on them. However, when she realized they were "dress pajamas" she was out of her mind with excitement. By the way she is really into dresses now which explains this reaction. She had to wear them that night. After the first night she decided that she is in love with nightgowns except for the fact that her legs get cold. (She kicks the covers off like her father) To fix this she has decided that she needs to wear leggings to bed with the nightgown. Here she is enjoying the nightgown yet again.

1 comment:

Joie and Kurt Hauschild said...

Avari does the same thing and HAS to wear leggins even when she wears a dress! Too cute!