Friday, February 24, 2012

"Oh Darn It"

The Scene: The end of church last Sunday
Josie: Mom why is everyone saying Alleluia so loud?
Me: Because today is the last day we say Alleluia until Easter.
Josie: Why?
Me: Because now we start Lent - the time when we learn about why and prepare for Jesus to die on the cross.
Josie: WHAT? Jesus is going to die - oh no.
Josie to Jay: DAD! DAD! Did you know that Jesus is going to die?
Josie slapping hand to her forhead: OH DARN IT! Jesus is going to die.

The Scene: Coffee hour after church
Nice elderly woman leaning down: Good morning, aren't you cute today.
Josie - still upset: Jesus is going to die.
Nice elderly woman stunned into silence.
Jay: yes, but then he will come back and things will be okay right Josie- (to the woman) she just learned about Jesus dying.

1 comment:

Joie and Kurt Hauschild said...

AWESOME! Wait until she finds out that Jesus has lots of boo-boos too!