Saturday, September 15, 2012

A Lazy Saturday Afternoon

So the other day I come home and there is a note for me that reads:
Josie wants to ask mom to go swimming.
After clarifying where - she wanted to play in her pool in the backyard- I told her we would do it on Saturday.  After all it has been 94 degrees  or higher each day this week.  She was ready to go in the pool but when she saw me with my magazines, soda, and snack she decided she wanted to sit and read also.  She got her books and sunglasses while I got the soda and snacks.  She sat down only to say, "I can't really read yet so I will just look at the pictures."  She did eventually go in the pool after "reading" a few   books and eating some Skittles.

1 comment:

Joie and Kurt Hauschild said...

hahahahaaa! you have such a mini-me! I love it!