Sunday, November 20, 2011


This year Josie better understood the idea of dressing up and going around to get candy. I did not make a costume this year - she had a turtle from Joan and the Minnie Mouse costume Gretchen made years ago for Kathrine and that has been passed down to all the cousins. She was not interested in either. She wanted to be Ariel. I could not bring myself to buy a Disney Princess costume so Jay and I tried every angle to get her to change her mind. We prevailed when we found a princess ballerina costume at Costco. She LOVED the tutu and since we bought her ballerina slippers she was sold. We went to her friend Evie's house like we did last year for a party. The friends all went trick or treating together. What a riot to watch and listen to a group of 3 year olds on Halloween.

As you can see however, in the end she stripped down and found Evie's Ariel costume so in the end she prevailed. Additionally, now she says she wants Santa to bring her a Princess dress like her friend Evie has. UGH!

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