Saturday, November 10, 2012

Thankful: Day 10

I am feeling very scattered lately and reading what people are thankful for got me thinking... I like what Kurt said yesterday "I could use some perspective and catharsis." So, I will begin sharing what I am thankful for too each day. No special order just what is on my mind. Since I am behind today I will share two.
Day 10: I am thankful for my daughter and my husband. Josie is a joy. She is creative, energetic, thoughtful, and silly. She is becoming a fantastic person. Jay, you put up with a lot from me and yet you continue to support and love me. Remember Kurt's words -"Good luck with my sister." You are a wonderful husband and father. I love you.
I am also thankful for the technology that keeps our family close. With Jay half way around the world I am glad to have Skype and Facetime. Seeing him makes all the difference for Josie.

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